convaid-tensioConvaid, Torrance, Calif, announced that it has branded its self-tensioning system with the name Self-Tensio. The system is part of its compact folding, lightweight wheelchairs, providing therapeutic pelvic position similar to a solid seating system in an umbrella folding rehab chair.

It targets improvement in the body’s position, resulting in increased comfort and independence. The system features an expanding frame design, flexible, self-adjusting upholstery, and underlying mesh support (shown on the right).

The Self-Tensio is standard built into the Convaid Cruiser, Convaid EZ Rider, Convaid Metro, and Convaid Scout.

Convaid notes that the Self-Tensio is also engineered to provide support at the pelvis in order to offer users a stable pelvic platform by distributing pressure throughout the contact area and improving therapeutic pelvic support and positioning, without the added weight and complexity.

A company news release states that when coupled with its tension adjustable back, Self-Tensio encourages proper body positioning and alignment. It also is intended to minimize kyphotic posture and promote neutral pelvic positioning.

The new Self-Tensio logo is slated to appear on a variety of Convaid materials and customizable wheelchairs.

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[Source: Convaid]