As part of a strategic alliance formed last spring, Active Controls has announced the launch of the modular Active Controls Rehab Solutions alternative drive controls preassembled on Quantum power wheelchairs.

Jay Brislin, vice president, Quantum Rehab, articulates the company’s excitement to see Active Controls expand “its series of midline specialty controls to head arrays, chin controls, and mini-proportional joysticks. All of them are fully compatible with our Q-Logic line of electronics, so the expansion of our alliance makes applications even more seamless for our providers,” Brislin adds.

Russ Rolt, Active Controls, VP of Sales and Business Development, adds, “With our alliance, both Quantum and Active Controls have furthered our brands’ reputations for innovation and leadership in our industry.”

An Active Controls news release notes that ordering Active Controls for a Quantum power wheelchair can be accomplished by requesting a quote for the desired Active Controls’ product online at Active Controls quote generator and noting the model of the chair on which it will be installed.

When the quote is approved for the Active Controls drive system, the release says, the customer can then ask Active Controls to convert it to an order; the order can then be placed for the recommended powerchair with Quantum and request shipment to Active Controls.

[Source: Active Controls]