Delta Health Technologies, Altoona, Pa, announced the national best practice survey for the Delta Study to Reduce Hospitalizations—the largest study in the history of home care for reducing avoidable hospitalizations—will begin on August 1, 2011.

Agencies who are contacted are strongly encouraged to participate in the 20-minute survey. All those who participate will be provided with a special webinar and advance report on the findings of the study.

Phase I of the study involved a National Steering Committee of home care and industry leaders developing a comprehensive survey designed to identify the best practices intentionally used by the nation’s leading agencies (those with the lowest hospitalization scores) for reducing avoidable hospitalizations. The National Steering Committee established a web survey and asked home care leaders and professionals to go online and suggest questions or areas of focus for the survey.

“The results were nothing but astonishing,” said Keith Crownover, Delta president & CEO. “We had hoped to get upwards of 500 suggestions. Instead, we received over 3,600 unique recommendations.” These recommendations were analyzed, grouped into themes, and presented to the National Steering Committee at their expert design meeting in San Diego, Calif.

The survey has been developed and is currently being field tested by Fazzi Associates, a national best-practice research firm responsible for developing and managing the project.

According to Bob Fazzi, managing partner at Fazzi Associates, co-director of the project, the survey will focus on three groups of agencies: the 20% with the lowest (best) scores, the 20% with worst scores, and those who showed the most improvement since the last Home Health Compare scores were issued in July 2009.

For more information, visit

[Source: Delta Health]